Animation has seemed to evolved since the
first animated film was created in 1906. From the two latest animations I've
seen it is obvious that a high technical expertise and top of the range
software and technology is being used now, compared to the pen and paper when
it first started.
Today animation is large part of marketing, whether its for tv
adverts, latest films or tv cartoons, we are surrounded by animations. But what
makes them so popular?
Is it the fact it engages it's audience?
Compared to the majority of adverts,shows and films an animation
stands out. Watching the same thing over and over again can become boring, so
when something different comes along it catches the audience attention and
intrigues them
Does it tell a story?
By relating a story through the animation, it attracts the
audience attention drawing them in, usually making it easier to understand.
Adding character to the animation helps build the charisma, it will lead the
audience into the story giving them a greater awareness and better involvement
in what's going on.
But why do companies use them for advertising? Is it the same
reason as film and tv networks?
According to box office figures,as of March 2014 Frozen in
cinemas world-wide alone made a total of over a billion dollars, that was
without releasing the film in Japan.
As of 2012, the compare the market intriguing meerkat characters
had earned the entrepreneur inventor over £200 million.
So there's no denying that even though the animations are
expensive and time demanding, the out product makes up for it in the profit
made by companies and networks.
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