After exploring animation and sound, our final project was to
create our own animation which portrays a contemporary issue of our choice. My
group decided our chosen issue would be bullying.
- Designer, Photographer
Script Writer and Photographer
- Audio, Voices and Editor
Opening scene– *Little Timmy playing ball, looks up
and waves at camera* (Birds Singing, hear the ball)
Zooms Out *Orange and Blue hiding behind tree*
*Orange and Blue walk over* *Little Timmy continues to play*(Danger
Blue: “Hey Pinkie, what you got there. Speak up
Titch!” (Silence)
Little Timmy: *Silence*
Orange: “Yeah, speak up!”
Blue: “That’s a nice new ball you’ve got there”
Orange: “Yeah, it’s nice”
Blue: “Too good for a Titch like you”
Orange: “Yeah, too good”
Blue: “ I think we should have a ball so good”
Orange: “Yeah Titch, we should have it”
Blue: “Gimmie Titch! *Snatches Ball* “Bye
Titch, thanks for the new ball”
Orange: “Yeah, thanks Titch” *Both walk off
and play ball in the distance*
Little Timmy: *Tear on cheek* (Sad
Farmer Jay: *Walks over* “Hey Little
Timmy, are you okay? What is wrong?”
Little Timmy: *Looks over at Orange and
Blue playing with his ball then looks down*
Farmer Jay: *Looks over at Orange and Blue
playing with his ball* “Ahhh, I see, you know Little Timmy you don’t have
to take this in silence let them hear you speak”
Little Timmy: *Looks at Farmer Jay and then
at Orange and Blue, takes a deep breath and walks over**Squeaks*”Give me my
ball back!”
Orange and Blue: *Laugh at Little Timmy*
Little Timmy: *Gets Bigger* “Stop
picking on me, I don’t have to listen to you, you are not the boss of me” *Gets
Bigger* *ROARS* “GIVE ME MY BALL BACK!!” *takes ball back and
grows to medium*
* Orange and Blue run away* (Seen in distance)
Zoom in – Little Timmy: *playing with ball* “Speak
·(Happy by Pharrell)
The set will consist of a hill scenery card, yellow card to
continue the path into the forefront of the picture. There will be a tree made
of clay in the background. We will need a light.
The Issue and Storyline
Our aim of the story is to convey that victims should speak
up and gain the confidence to stand up to bullies. To represents the growth of
confidence and self belief we will use 3 versions of the character all
different sizes.
It will start off with Timmy playing with a ball a happy until
the bullies appear from behind the trees. After approaching Timmy the
bullies steal his ball and go off to play with it in the background.
The adult will approach Timmy after watching the exchange and
seeing Timmy upset. The adult will remind Timmy that it's okay to speak out and
give him the confidence. When confronting the bullies to get his ball back, to
represent Timmy growth in confidence, his size will change.